Friday, April 29, 2011

Writing Letters

Firstly, writing, sending, and getting letters always brightens my day.  
Second, I got sealing wax for Christmas... and it makes sending letters even better.
I'm sure the elders out in the field are like, "what the..."
But come on, it's like "Hello Hogwarts I'm off to be a wizard!" 
Who wouldn't want a letter sealed like this?

Even more fantastic, the first letter of my name.
 I feel like the Scarlet Pimpernel. 
"Sink me"

I wish we wrote letters more. And sealed with wax. 


Fantabulous Lil P said...

I love everything about this. Yes. Becca would be annoyed with me for saying that,'s true. : )

Womans World Magazine said...

Check out our blog and we would LOVE to have you as a contributor. We are also looking for other talented writer women so everyone is welcome to check us out.

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