Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Healthy Body

I think one of the easiest things to take advantage of and to not be grateful for is a healthy body. Only when you are throwing up all night and feeling crummy and weak all day do you wish and pray for your healthy body to come back soon. That would be me yesterday. My guess is food poisoning.

But among all my sickness a wonderful and long awaited letter arrived! Remember when I was stressing out like crazy the night before taking my Limited Practical Technician license test? Well I finally got my results back! Happy day I passed everything and can now pay an additional $70 to get my actual license. :) Can you believe that this whole process is costing me $210?! But it's completely worth it because it means I'll get hired on at the hospital, be guaranteed at least 8 hours making almost double what I'm making at the mall right now, which will then lead to me leaving my mall job. I can't wait. Don't get me wrong, the job has been really good to me, they've been awesome at working around my bizarre schedule but to compare the 30 minute drive time to 5 minutes, almost double the pay and more experience in my field... it's a no brainer.
Life is a good thing.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Another Quote

"To measure the goodness of life by its delights and pleasures and safety is to apply a false standard. The abundant life does not consist of a glut of luxury. It does not make itself content with commercially produced pleasure, the nightclub idea of what is a good time, mistaking it for joy and happiness." He measures the abundant life by the capacity "to face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility."  - President Thomas S. Monson

I finished Thomas S. Monsons biography earlier last week. I sincerely recommend this book. He is an amazing man and I'm grateful for his leadership.
Cannot wait to hear from him this weekend.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Another Portrait

Remember how I was a model for Steve's art class back in November? Well I modeled again for one of his other groups. Steve made sure not to make my neck too long this time.
He initially wanted me to come to one class for just sketching and getting a better look-a-like image and then come again for the painting. But now the class wants to do a more interesting painting as in I'm dressed up in a costume and in a pose. I feel this could be fun and terribly intriguing. 
(P.S. they were saying I look older in the sketch, how old would you say?)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012


"Throughout our country, we have been screaming ever louder for more and more of the things we cannot take with us, and paying less and less attention to the real sources of the very happiness we seek. We have been measuring our fellowmen more by balance sheets and less by moral standards... We have become so concerned over the growth of our earning capacity that we have neglected the growth of our character. Perhaps this is indicative of the days in which we are living - days of compromise and diluting of principles, days when sin is labeled as error, when morality is relative and when materialism emphasizes the value of expediency and the shirking of responsibility. Well might a confused boy cry out using the words of Philip of old, 'How can I [find my way], except some man should guide me?'"  -President Thomas S. Monson

How grateful I am for the guidance in my life.

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Book of Mormon

I have this lifetime goal of reading the Book of Mormon every year and I can honestly say that it's one of the best decisions I've ever made for my life. I love this book. I love reading it. I love the familiar pages that have picture stickers and colored pencil markings. I love its truth. I love the influence it has had on my life. It truly is the word of God.

"I testify that one cannot come to full faith in this latter-day work - and thereby find the fullest measure of peace and comfort in these, our times - until he or she embraces the divinity of the Book of Mormon and the Lord Jesus Christ, of whom it testifies."   -Jeffrey R. Holland

"The Book of Mormon will change your life. It will fortify you against the evils of our day. It will bring a spirituality into your life that no other book will. It will be the most important book you will read in preparation for a mission and for life. A young [person] who knows and loves the Book of Mormon, who has read it several times, who has an abiding testimony of its truthfulness, and who applies its teachings will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and will be a mighty tool in the hands of the Lord."   -Pres. Ezra Taft Benson

"There is a power in the book which will begin to flow into your lives the moment you begin a serious study of the book. You will find greater power to resist temptation. You will find the power to avoid deception. You will find the power to stay on the strait and narrow path."   -Pres. Ezra Taft Benson

"Let us continually reread the Book of Mormon so that we might more fully come to Christ, be committed to Him, centered in Him, and consumed in Him."   -Pres. Ezra Taft Benson

Monday, March 12, 2012

Finally, A Break

I survived my test. I feel okay about it, but I won't know for certain until I receive my results in the mail. They told me to expect anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks for the delivery... which I completely don't understand since the whole test was taken on a computer and probably graded right then. So I'm just going to forget about that test for a few weeks as to reduce unneeded stress.

But blessed Weber State for giving me a wonderful glorious spring break!! I have been needing this. The sunshine. No clinical hours or classes. My week hasn't been this open in a long time! Granted I still have quite a lot of homework to get caught up on since I pushed everything aside for the LPT test. It's okay, it'll all work out  and I'll pass and then start picking up shifts that I'll actually get paid for! Life is a grand thing isn't it?

P.S. 3 late nights in a row have really done me in.

Monday's Music

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wish Me Some Luck

I'm taking a ridiculously stressful test tomorrow. Ridiculous because a) everyone says it's completely easy and to not even bother studying for it b) they then tell me everything I need to study and make sure I know... at which point my face goes slightly white because I'm so far from remembering all of that, and c) the test costs $140 dollars to sign up for.
It's a state test so I can get my Limited Practical Technician license and start actually earning some money and picking up shifts at the hospital. Michelle, Kryshelle and I are all taking it together. They've been outwardly freaking out while I sit and fall apart inside.
I hate this. I just need this test to be over with!
If it's easy, I'm probably going to come back a little miffed that I spent so much time studying. (Granted I'll be ecstatic that it's over and done- with a high chance at passing.)
If I fail, I'll definitely be miffed that I wasted $140 bucks just to fail a test.
Either way I've been bugging my cat as a distraction from studying. My brain is done for. My poor cat needs a break.
Wish me some luck.