Friday, August 13, 2010

Epic Fail

So I have a new job.
I work at a kiosk in the mall. 
Which is probably exactly what you imagine how working at a kiosk in the mall would go...
And I keep closing which equals slow hours
But, hey, good-looking working the kiosk next to me! 
And what else do I have to do besides check him out, look for ring...good, no. Age guess... no idea but RM? Probably. 
Tall, dark hair... you get the picture. 
He keeps walking around his kiosk while reading a book, dang I wish I had brought my book... maybe the hours would go by a little faster.
Wait what? He keeps staring into American Eagle. Gosh dang it that can only mean he's watching a girl, like how I'm being creeper and watching him, except he probably knows the girl, and I don't know him. 
(I'm really not that creepy, but it's the mall and what better to do than people watch?)
Closing time finally comes and of course there's a girl with him. blar
Background information you should know... it's my first time closing by myself. When you close a kiosk you have to un-hinge the overhead stuff so it comes down (please like 5'1 me could reach that... grab the chair). You then have to take this giant tarp and hook it into the stupid hooks, that are again clear above my reaching abilities... 
So I'm taking my sweet time closing up the register...hoping he'll leave fast so I won't have to make a fool of myself. But when do things ever happen the way we want them to? So I get going on putting up that tarp. 
Drag chair over
climb up
hook tarp
jump down
drag chair
climb up
yank on tarp wires
hook tarp
jump down
I come to the end of this ridiculous business and find that I've put the tarp on upside down. *grumble, exasperated sigh* So I start taking it down again. 
Out of my peripheral vision I can see handsome and the girl walking over...gosh dang it again! No just leave! I know I look like an idiot but I can handle things!
"Hey you need some help?"

So he gets it up there way more efficiently and guess what else, the girl is a sweetheart. Way nice, really pretty, the kind that makes you feel bad cause he's got such a great girl already and now you have no chance.
They leave me as I zip up the tarp and then I ran into them again outside! He's all..."hey there she is!"
(yes I know I'm the moron that can't figure out how to close my own kiosk and now I feel utterly ridiculous, hi how are ya?)
I just said thanks for the help and went on towards the car. 
But hey if I see him again I can say hi to him now, instead of casually noting him (not stalking thank you).  

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