Friday, August 27, 2010

Hunger Games

I've decided to read the Hunger Games books 1 and 2 again for a refresher before I go in for the 3rd and final book. I forgot how addicting those books are. I'm reading a good few other books but those have all been put on the back burner now. I love it when books do that. They suck you in and you absolutely have to read. A book isn't absolutely amazing if I can forget about it throughout the day. Some books are good... I can just read them at night and slowly make my way through the book. But Hunger Games is nothing like that.

Hunger Games makes me want to live out in the wild. Not in the sense of trying not to get killed in a sick game put on by the capitol, but in the ways of being resourceful. I wish I could pour out knowledge of things to eat while stranded in a forest, what berries not to eat, what bark is eat-worthy... It seems all very appealing in a non-realistic state. I'm sure if that was my actual life I wouldn't like it one bit. But it's okay, I can live in my imagination every now and then.

So remember when I did this... Well I decided to start it up again. So on the side of my blog I'm going to have a running list of books and page numbers I've read since Aug 25, 2010. I could just say August, but I don't remember the other books I read, so I'll just start with that date. Happy counting!

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