Sunday, June 26, 2011

Freedom and a Memory

Remember how I was having a really hard time with my job? Well, after I posted that my sister called me the next morning to talk with me about how things were going. She told me I should just get a different job! I know that seems completely obvious, but I honestly thought and felt like I was trapped in this job and wasn't going to be out of there anytime soon. Which added to the dread. But then it was a light bulb and I thought, "this is America, I can get a different job if I want!" I know, little ridiculous that it hadn't struck me before. So last Saturday was my last day working, and now I am free of that job. I haven't heard back from hardly any of the places that I applied to so I'm still looking. I would really love to find any type of work in a hospital or radiology office so I can work more towards what I'm going into. Find a job that will help me with my career. We'll see how that goes. But it's nice to be free for these next few days before my family jets off for a vacation. Once I get home I'll start to job search again. Any suggestions?

On another note, I found this movie on youtube today. Can I tell you how much I love this song? When I was visiting my dear cousin Caitlyn in Georgia when we were both very young, we decided we wanted to learn this song! Well, the lyrics are absolutely no where online and we couldn't find anything about it. (I think this was 8 years ago or so and I'm sure the internet was nothing like it is now.) Anyways, we stayed up until 2 or 3 that night, watching this scene on VHS, pausing it, writing down the lyrics we could remember, starting the scene up again while trying to write everything, pausing, writing, rewinding, over and over again until we had written down all the lyrics ourselves. Next we went on to memorize the different parts and perfect the enunciation. I sung the guys lines (because I was slightly sick and couldn't sing high at all) and my cousin took over the girls lines. We performed it the next morning to my aunt and anyone around that would listen to us. To this day we still slightly remember the lyrics and laugh about that night every time we talk about it. I love spending time with cousins.

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