Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 3

My Favorite Movie
The Fall
I was introduced to this movie near the end of 2008 by my dad, who has extremely similar tastes in movies as I do. We seem to favor a different flavor of movies and this is definitely one of them. You either love this movie, or you hate it, and those that hate it, don't really understand what they're watching or the background to making this movie. I think that's one of the reasons why I love this film so much, it's because everyone was against the film maker, no one would fund him so he sold almost everything except his house. He's had this story line in his head for 16 years and when his friend found the perfect little girl for the part, he started filming. Every place that's in this film, is real. He traveled to over 20 countries. Gorgeous cinematography.
If you grew up playing "make believe", inserting yourself into these fictional stories, you'll see all the connections in this movie.
If you watch this and don't like it, don't tell me.

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