Sunday, September 27, 2009

Staying Busy

Well college is in the full swing now. I'm kept busy with constant homework that never seems to end but it's not too bad. This is much better than being stuck at home with all my friends home and having nothing to do for weeks on end. I have a calling now, and am the Family History Consultant... pretty intense huh. I went to the sand dunes last night and had a bon fire with a ton of random people. I only knew the one person I went with but everyone there was pretty cool. It was really fun. Me and the roommates and cousins went to an 80s dance party friday night which was a party. It was off campus so no cops came by telling us to turn the music down...which is what happened to a girl who threw a dance party in her dorm.
It's nice having the temple so close. Katie and I go running up and around the temple whenever we go for a run. Which is almost every other night... trying to keep off the freshman 15. Or we play ultimate frisbee.
Spence and Quin won their first soccer game, 5-0. Nice job guys! Quin's the coach and spence the assistant coach. So since they won, me and my roommates have to go to their next game.. haha dang. ;) 
Every friday night Katie, Caira and I have a tradition we've started. Movie night after curfew and we sleep in the living room. So we normally start a movie around 1:30... the only movie we've stayed awake for and watched straight through was an episode of Glee. Haha which doesn't really count cause that's only 45 min. But that alright! I love it. We have good times toghether. It's interesting looking at the other girls in the dorms, how they fit each other. Katie Caira and I always think if we would've been put in a different room with those girls... we'd never survive. We fit together so perfectly. Love ya roommies :)

1 comment:

Heather and Jake said...

Chann and I went running around Provo temple one time and it was super awkward because all the missionaries were out playing soccer or football in the field below. Yep. Awkward.