Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Meteor Shower

So last night, there was a meteor shower. And I watched it. There was a whole bunch of us, around 15 people, and I only knew the guy who invited me to come. So it was a little like.."oh hey... yeah none of you know me... I'm just tagging along no worries...I'll just sit over here. okay." But his friends were really fun actually. I had a really good time. We went to the fields west of the temple where there was a huge stack of bales of hay. We had to boost people up to the next levels. But we finally got to the top and spread out all our blankets and readied ourselves for a meteor shower. It was dang cold...ha oh my gosh it was bad. I saw a giant meteor and a couple smaller ones, but we didn't stay long. We left at 1, which was when it was supposed to be the most active :( but I had an 8 oclock class this morning, so I was fine leaving early. But it was really fun! Glad I went.

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