5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. I was in 1st grade!
2. about to get baptized
3. starting piano lessons
4. playing with megan and whitney! we were the neighborhood three-some
5. doing whatever else i did back then...
5 things on my to-do list today/tomorrow
1. study for my cna test!!!!
2. watch the dark knight!
3. find out where heritage care center is
4. piano practice
5. do stain glass
5 things I would do if I were a Millionaire
1. pay off my loan
2. pay for choir tour
3. new clothes for sure :D
4. lots of itunes gift cards
5. buy a new car... i know selfish... i'll donate later
5 places I have lived
1. Orem
2. Pleasant Grove
3. and pleasant grove for the rest..
5 jobs I have had
1. Babysitter, like every teen girl...
2. mowed some lawns with my brother...'some' being the key word
3. worked at quiznos.... intersting people there. probably learned more then i ever wanted to know. they popped my innocent bubble
4. Allred's Ace Hardware...and still there!
5. and stain glass stuff for my neighbor
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