I went to Body Worlds 3 today with kids from the health classes at school. And, it was absolutely amazing. There are two floors to the exhibit, they say the first should take about an hour, and the lower floor about a half. So they gave the students wow..and hour and a half. Budget time people. Well, the group i was with, did not even finish the first floor when they told us our whole huge group was already downstairs and our time was up. So!! We had to quickly glance, take a glimmer of everything on the lower level...which by the way has a ton more full body exhibits. So that was kind of lame, but over all... I loved it! The human body is insane. I don't understand how it manages everything that it does, but if it didn't....then we'd be dead. In this first picture, you wouldn't know unless you were there, but the girl has had a knee, hip, shoulder and ankle replacement! All on her left side, so she's been through some trama, but it's so interesting because they fold back some of the muscles so you can see the metal knee, and the rode going down the arm from the shoulder replacement. It was pretty crazy to see. But here are some of the cool facts I learned that I wrote in my nifty little pocket book they gave us...

They had a big ol poster that talked all about Lance Armstrong and his amazing heart. He by the way was already born with a 30% larger heart, but in addition to his amazing active lifestyle... his heart is huge. His resting heart rate is 32! Which is ridiculously slow! A normal human heart beats between 60-100 beats per min. Mine is 80... which is okay. But 32! Can you imagine if your his nurse trying to take his pulse... uhhhhh and a 1.................2........... I'd probably think we was dead waiting for the next pulse. But when Lance is at the top of his game cycling, his heart rate exceeds 200! Now healthy males at exertion at that age only average 150... so he has an insanely fit heart. Good for him. Yay lance!
The human hand has 27 bones controlled by 37 skeletal muscles.
Your nerve cell signals can travel up to 250 mph.
If you took your cerebral cortex and spread it out flat, it would be approximately 16 square feet.
Your brain consists of 14 billion nerve cells
Skeletal muscles make up almost have of the weight of your body. So if for some reason you want to loose more then half your weight...good luck trying!
Your brain is only 2% of your body weight but it needs 20% of your blood supply.
After only 4 weeks an embryo already has a heart and eyes.
And after 8 weeks, organ differentiation is largely completed.
The heart pumps roughly 1,800 gallons of blood through your body daily. 3 ounces of bood with each beat.
ok seriously, that is the most disgusting thing i have ever ever seen. i could never in a million years go to that place! shudder! and i missed you in chemistry. :( but that is ok i will see you tomorrow in chamber!
hahhaha amberly you are hilarious :D but it wasn't gross at all, like they looked plastic. it was all just crazy interesting!!
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