Friday, April 11, 2008

Windows down

The best way to drive home from school equals the combination of windows down, and blaring music that we party to, along with the questioning sidelong glances from passing drivers. Windy days are also a plus, it adds umph to the hair when you turn corners. Because your hair gets blown on only one side, so you have flailing hair poofed out to extremeties, but it's only half of your hair! Good party-burst-your-lungs-singin-songs: Here in your arms, Grace Kelly, Without Love, Boy from new york city, brink of disaster, Carry on my wayward son, Come go with me, that's how you know, the curse of curves, there's a class for this, I want you back...and as many others as you can think of.

For all you devoted Twilight fans like's a clip showing all the characters they've picked out for the movie. Enjoy!

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