Thursday, April 10, 2008


Weird day was fine. I finished reading Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. I absolutely love that play. I saw it twice when BYU put it on. And my cousin was snug the joiner! aka: the lion! hehe. And happiness is found with random notes left on your windshield from a friend. But after school things haven't stayed at the same good level.. we lost our soccer game was bad. And cold! The wind was crisp and icy. And driving home, my eye decides..yes this is a good time to freak out and hurt and water uncontrollably. (see it's doing it now) So i pull over and get my contact out, after much hard work from a hurting eye that doesn't want to open. So driving home the rest of the way i play around, looking out my eye with no am i blind. Everything is out of focus. Good thing i have my other contacted eye to use. So i'm driving with one eye open..people probably think that's smart. But hey, it's better then blury right?

Is anyone else confused with this online registration for my high school? All i want is Medical English..its only taught why isn't it on the list? The other english class that period..only accomadates persons second semester. Apparently first semester is full...but it's a full year class?? Why are there seats open only half of the year!? So besides english and the fact that i only needed .25 does someone end up .25 short of an elective? Classes give at least i'm confused on the whole half of a half semester. So!!! Besides having the now have a class period A4 2nd semester..this is my schedule..
A1: Chamber
A2: Acapella
A3: MATC // seminary
A4: MATC // Aerobics

B1: English?? (no clue right now)
B2: Health Science Advanced
B3: Seminary // Gov & Cit
B4: Chemistry

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