Monday, October 20, 2014

Utah in the Fall

I knew I was going to miss the mountains when I moved, but I didn't realize quite how much. Especially when fall came around and my Instagram and Facebook feeds were full of the changing colors in the mountains.
This picture is from Scott's parent's back yard, those mountains have been the background of most of my life. They have always been that close.
The south has giant trees, everywhere. They are my distraction from how flat Covington is. But everything is still so green! I've seen one tiny little baby tree change colors so far. It's pathetic.

 But Scott, being the perfect husband for me, knew that a quick trip home was needed. Not just for the fall leaves but to be around family. The honeymoon phase of moving to a new exciting place has worn off and it's been a little hard.
I've missed being surrounded by people I know. 
Also, dry air is the most wonderful thing.
And humidity is not. :)

But enough of my whining. I just want to look at my views through the canyon. 

This is our candid I-thought-we-were-done-taking-pictures-faces... I love it.

Don't worry guys. I'm happy. I have the best husband in the world for me. As long as he's here, I'm okay.
Thanks Utah for a wonderful quick weekend. You're awesome.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I was a little jealous when I saw your facebook post that you were visiting Utah. ;) Times and seasons for all of us, I guess! Thanks for posting pictures! I'm with you on appreciating (and/or being driven mad by) the instagram pictures people post of the mountains. Looks like you guys had a blast!

Just so you know, you're always welcome in Texas! I just checked and google tells me it's an 8-hour drive from our house to Covington, or an hour and twenty minute flight! A distance that close, and we might be able to find cheap flight deals! You and Scott are such adventurers--I'm sure you'd love Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, etc. You're always welcome to crash at our house if you're in the market for a TX Vacation. If you do, let us know and we'll plan a bash with Matt and McKenna! Family isn't as far away as it sometimes feels. :) Love you, Megan!