Well, life got quite interesting this last weekend. My plans were to drive up to Rexburg Saturday morning so I could visit family and friends up there but I never even made it past Salt Lake. I got in a lovely little accident that totaled the car and obviously canceled the trip. Picture this: I'm in the middle lane on the freeway going about 70mph when my back right tire blows. The car started almost fishtailing and at that moment my mind blanked out, the only thing going was my reflexes trying to keep the car in the lane. Well that didn't work for very long because I lost control of the car. It spun around and across the right lanes until I was facing backwards and then the drivers side of the car slammed into the concrete wall. I definitely screamed once I lost control until I hit the wall. Lucky for me I hit right where a lane was starting to appear for an off ramp so I was pretty out of the way of traffic. I also somehow managed to hit a trucks front bumper during my spin. His truck only had a dent, at least that's all he told me. I never saw the front of his truck. But my car was banged up very nicely. The two driver side doors wouldn't open and the hood and trunk were bent up. The front right tire rod was broken as well. But no one was hurt. I was completely fine. I do have a good bruise on the side of my knee and I had a stiff neck the next day but nothing else. I was one lucky girl and I know that Heavenly Father was watching over me. There were a number of miracles and blessings from this whole experience which I won't go into detail about, but I do know that I was protected. I could have flipped, I could have hit more cars, I could have been in the middle of Idaho in a no-man's land area where there are no concrete barriers to stop you. (Just to name a few)

My skid marks across the freeway and into the wall.
Goodbye little car. You served us well. You won't really be missed because the new car we have is a definite upgrade in my eyes.
1 comment:
You are right! You were being watched by God, which is why you did not get into any serious injuries. Accidents like that can be avoided, but no matter how good of a driver you are, if there are horrible reckless drivers that do not know the proper rules of the road, you can be a victim. The best thing to do, if you are not badly hurt, is to stay calm. Then, turn your hazard lights on to warn the other road users. Lastly, make a police report.
Erwin Calverley
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