Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Few Things

It was Marie's birthday last week and since I'm always looking for opportunities and excuses to make a cake (practice practice practice) I told Marie to leave the birthday cake to me!
We had a fun girls night full of chatter, hot tubing, 40's music, and Doris Day. 
I'm so glad I've become friends with these girls. We always have a good time together.

I was going to write "Happy Birthday Marie" but I didn't want to take the risk of ruining the cake. So I left the open space for all of the candles. 

I was out working in the yard with my mom the other day and we had been working on cutting back some of the bushes, and I just couldn't resist trying out my hand at bush pruning. This bush was already an ugly shape and I tried to work with it to give it a spiral... it doesn't look too awful right? Granted the bottom needs some growing in to do now. I'll keep working on it throughout the summer don't worry.

One last thing, I hiked to the "G" for the first time last night! It's slightly sad that I've lived here almost my whole life and am only now doing this. It was a great hike and had an incredible view of the valley. It was a good evening. 


Heather and Jake said...

Beautiful cake!

Annie said...

Cakes, shrubs, hikes, portrait modeling... I find the way you embrace the world and everything and every opportunity in it quite inspiring, Miss Crosland.