Sectional Anatomy...
This class completely scares me.
I thought I had anatomy decently understood. I passed all of my anatomy labs with flying colors. But this, this is a whole new level of having to know EXACTLY where things are. Having to know that the carotid artery is always more medial and smaller then the jugular vein. Having to know that the sternocleidomastoid muscle is lateral to the strap muscles. Blah blah blah.
Doesn't this sound exciting?
And apparently the anatomy and positioning class and the physics class are both on the same day now. My brain is not going to like Mondays.
I have a feeling that this semester might kick my butt.
I am in A&P I and it is killing me! Is your header a picture of bone?
LOL, love it!! we are feeling the same thing in our class, positioning, physics, sectional anatomy, and patient care. all 4 classes with 2 labs. thats monday and wed with clinicals teus and thurs. tough quarter.
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