Friday, August 19, 2011

Painting Jars

(1 tbsp glue + a little more, 1 tsp water, food coloring)
(1 drop blue)  (3 drops blue/ 1 drop green)  (4 drops blue/ 1 drop green)  
(3 drops green/ 1 drop blue)

We're thinking of adding some rope or wires around some of the tops. We'll see what happens. 


Latha vijayakumar said...

Amazing. Thanks for sharing

SOPHIE NY said...

way cool!! Look at you and Natalie being such crafters! I love it!

AzNcHiCK said...

I've always wanted to do that. But I wanted to turn them into DIY lanterns? like in princess and the frog? that would be awesome. and hang them on a tree somewhere...

Danny Harding said...
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Danny Harding said...

Those are awesome!! They say "Have fun in Honduras, here's a parting gift" all over them :)