Monday, August 8, 2011


I ran into my singles ward bishop today. He game me sound advice as I headed to the library. "Go meet someone there." Okay bishop. Since I'm having so much luck with meeting people. Let me explain.

I went dancing last weekend. I love swing dancing. And even though some of the guys there are just.... yeah. They can at least dance, and as long as I get some good swing dancing in I'm happy. But there was a pretty good looking guy there that night that I saw right when we walked in. He actually came up to me after the dance exclaiming that he knew me from somewhere.
I've never seen this guy in my life.
But he asked me to dance and we continued talking. Although not very well because lets be honest, how much of a conversation can you get in while constantly spinning and trying to yell over the music? Not much. He was really nice and still hadn't figured out where he knew me from. But I continued on my way, dancing with whoever asked me. (I was practicing my body language while standing, aka trying not to stand with my arms crossed, which I have to consciously think about and it really works! Thanks to the little workshop at the YSA Summer Summit I got asked to dance on every song.) Anyways a slow song came up and the guy asked me to dance again, so we could actually talk. Still no progress on how he knows me.
The next thing to happen (if actually planned) would have been perfect from that workshop on dating techniques. But even though it wasn't on purpose, it worked all the same. Chelsea and I went outside to get something from her car and the guy saw me leaving. He ran out and yelled for me, asking if I was leaving. Nope. Oh. Well I'm leaving soon... can I get your number?
Ha! Score. See the trick is you have to make the guy work to get your number. If he has to work a little harder then he'll be more likely to call you. (This is all according to the workshop.) If you just give him your number without him asking for it, he won't be as likely to call.
He sent me a text later that night with his name so I would know the number. And guess what that name was?
Brandon PACKARD.
Yeah, I know. Packard. Meaning, we're probably related.
And long story short, we're second cousins (I think that's how it works out.) Our grandpas are brothers, his dad and my mom are cousins.
He was definitely bummed when we figured it out the next day. Oh well, Packards are always cool.
They just happen to be taking over the world is all.


Chris and Katie said...

Oh that is terrible Megan! Such a funny story though! Hahahaha. Awww. Sad day.

Heather and Jake said...

Haha Jake and I just read this and laughed out loud! This would happen to you.

amberly said...

this is my favorite story of the world. also, i want to come next time. i'm so 100% serious.