Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Looking Scary

Don't ask what happened, I don't know. All I know is that I have temperamental skin. 
This broke out all over my legs the day before I was to go to Disneyland. It made my feet itch like crazy.

It was mostly gone at Disneyland except for the back of my heel. 

Then on Mother's Day I broke out with this all over my arms. Little red itchy bumps. 

Stupid skin. I looked like a leper. 

But don't worry. My rashes are finally gone (well mostly, the one on the back of my ankle doesn't want to completely go away.) 
But come on now, I can't be without some deformity to show people!
You can't see the nail of my middle finger as well but just know that it got a good squish in the garage door. 
Complete accident and incredibly bad timing in every point of how it happened. 
I'm oh so pretty.


Christopher said...

Perhaps you ate something you are allergic to!

Chris and Katie said...

LOL sorry, I was signed into Chris's account! I must look like a creaper than! lol

Fantabulous Lil P said...

It was probably heat rash. At least thats what it sounds like. And looks like. Sorry about that!