Monday, February 28, 2011


I have a problem. I’ve been thinking about this lately and I don’t think I create the strongest relationships with people in a way that I should. Now, I’m not talking about boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, but friends. I have moved into a new apartment complex every semester since I started college. Sure, I’m still friends with people, but I don’t feel like I’ve really learned to give enough of myself to make lasting relationships. I just seem to move, move, move through life never stopping to really know someone. And even as I have been realizing this, I remember that it’s my last semester here at BYU-Idaho. I’m moving back home, and will then move again after summer. All those people that I became “friends” with, I probably won’t see again or at least for a long time.

So that’s my goal to work on. I feel like I lose touch with people so easily once I move away. I don’t like it. I want to stay in touch with people; I want to still know about the details in their life that haven’t already been watered down for a 5 minute conversation. I want to open up more.

1 comment:

Fantabulous Lil P said...

& I find myself wishing I were more like you.

Hmmm...I guess we're never really completely satisfied with who we are, huh?

Lovvve you! I think you make incredible friendships! You are just so good at making friends wherever you go that you don't always think about the ones where you used to be. You're too busy making new friends and meeting new people! It doesn't mean those friendships aren't lasting or important to you. You're still awesome.

That being said, it's always nice to be a better people person. (Even if you're great at it already)