First I would like to give you an anatomy lesson on the eye. In the Retina layer, you have photoreceptors which are stimulated by light and transmit images to the brain. They are how you see basically. You have two types of photoreceptors: rods and cones. Rods see in black and white and have generally a more fuzzy image. They are located all throughout the Retina. But what I want to focus on is cones. Cones see color in wavelengths of blue, green, and red. They need lots of light and give very sharp images. Cones are only located in the Fovea Centralis. (Which in the picture below is the back area of the eye, it only says fovea though.) Because they are only located here, you get the most vivid color straight on. You can only see good color when it's right in front of you.

I was reading in D&C last night and I came across this scripture. Now think in relation to what I just taught you about the eye... D&C 88:67 "And if your
eye be
single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be
filled with light, and there shall be
no darkness in you; and that body which is
filled with light comprehendeth all things."
Pretty cool huh. I thought it was.
1 comment:
This is an interesting post. Thanks for sharing it. It has been years since I have studied "rods and cones", I enjoyed the refresher!!!!
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