In my Heroic Journey class (it's a humanities class) we were assigned a group photography project. Our group needed to have 3-5 pictures that could be considered art and could be related to the creation, fall, and redemption. So I went out looking for something to take my pictures of. If any of you know me and my photography, I don't like taking pictures of things that everyone else would take pictures of. I didn't want to take those generic flower, plants, leaves pictures... So I headed to the stadium stairs.
So not too different of a picture. Still good though I think.
But anyone who travels to the top of the stadium stairs will come to find the nonexistent cleaning job of the upper bleachers... which amounts to a mess of bird droppings. Yup and that's what I photographed of course.
My group didn't use my first two photos, but we did use this one. It fit into the "fall" category. See when you sin, your life is kind of full of crap, and messes. But as you repent and become more like Christ, the mess starts to fade away to clean! (bottom of photo=man's fallen state. top=using atonement in our lives.)
We also used this photo in our "fall" category. For this we used the bird crap as sin or problems in our life, and we sometimes get so focused on everything that's wrong. We need to find out how to get around it and move on to better things (represented by city background.) But we never know what the future holds for us equaling the blurry background.
See those photos fit in so well! I'm probably one of the few people who can pull off taking pictures of bird crap too. No one would even think of taking pictures of that...which is why I love it. Maybe I should do a photo book of bird crap? haha
So my ward had this great idea of doing a Halloween date/game night. There were two lists of costumes that you could sign up for, one for the guys, one for the girls. The costumes were paired up. So whoever matched your costume, was your date!
Meet Sandy and Danny from the ever great movie, Grease.
(I know, fail on me for not having blonde hair)
Aubrey and Scotty were supposed to be cave man/woman but Scotty had an ultimate fail with finding a costume so he got together all of his hunting clothes and wore them.
Aubrey's was an ultimate win. (I put it together right before going over to the party. It was awesome. Cut here, tie here, fold over there...I can't even believe it worked out. Pure genius.)