Sunday, April 11, 2010

Learning Things

One week left until I move back to Rexburg! And I think I'm ready to get back up there. I'm ready to feel productive again. I'm ready for a much more social atmosphere. I'm ready for a free gym. I'm ready to run stairs in the Hart Auditorium. I'm ready to have a more scheduled life. I'm ready for homework. I'm ready for roommates. I'm ready for new faces. Can I get going already?

But life in-between the semesters were a much larger learning experience then I ever thought of having. I learned how to work with a 17 year old autistic boy. I've never been very good with kids with mental disabilities lets firstly point that out... and it was really challenging at times. There were moments when I would just sit and try to breathe, get my legs to stop shaking after Spencer would have one of his "freak outs". I'm not sure what to call it, but when he would get angry or frustrated, it would scare me. But I learned to take the pinches and the hits, I learned how to calm him down, I learned to enjoy little moments when he would sing, or be in a good mood. I learned a lot of patience. I learned to be more watchful.

I learned so much about simple gospel principles from my amazing institute teacher. I'm sad that I won't be able to attend the rest of the classes since I'm moving soon, but Bro. Robinson taught me a lot. I loved going to institute and my schedule Thursday nights would be planned around that class. I learned that a good teacher also makes all the shown with my other institute class that I never wanted to go to.

I also learned that going to institute munch & mingles will not kill you and will in fact bring about a great number of amazing friends. Even though I only went to one, it brought about me dating an amazing guy who I learned so much from. I've learned more on how to improve myself from him, than anyone I know in that short space of time. He truly is amazing and I look up to him so much. I learned from him how to better study my scriptures. I have gained more insights from his way of studying. He got me going to the temple again, and I've been faithfully going every Tuesday. I've learned more of what I want in my future husband. I feel like with the other guys I've dated, I've learned a lot of what I don't want, but this was such a needed change of air. He's helped me set my bar even higher. I learned to analyze and look at myself. I never really did that before and if it was something I didn't want to think about, I didn't. But now I've learned when I need to look, need to think, need to question. He's also introduced me to some great hysterical youtube videos, a hilarious tv show that I'm obsessed with now, great institute people that I'm friends with now, mangos, and some type of peas or green bean...I forgot the name of it. He's got me into instrumental music. I think in every way around, he's made me a better person and I'm grateful for meeting him and getting to know him.

My knowledge of weddings has expounded immensely ever since Heather got engaged. I know now a bit more of the wedding ring language, wedding dress language, photographers, receptions and the works. Thanks Heather for being the guinea pig of the family. :)

I've learned that my family is my closest friends. It was nice being able to tell my mom anything and everything. It hasn't ever been like that before. Maybe it's because I'm past all the worthless high school drama and things are a bit more serious now. I need her help more now.

I've learned how to tutor someone in math.

I've learned that 65 page speeches from Ayn Rand are extremely hard to get through.

I've learned that I still have a lot left to learn. And thank goodness for it.

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