It's interesting being at a school where each class starts with prayer, your nutrition teacher incorporates her testimony at the end of class, your warm up in choir is singing a hymn, campus shuts down for Tuesday devotionals, textbook essays are a mixture of philosophical and religious views combining to easily clarification, teachers are titled brother or sister instead of mr. and mrs., pictures of Christ and the apostles are in the classrooms, my math teacher quotes scriptures and talks of the importance of learning by the spirit and how it's not necessarily the study of the math book that's important but the study of the scriptures that will help you. I don't think I've ever heard that from a math teacher before.
Things are different here.
This is easily my favorite sign on campus so far.
First day of school!!

Caira, Me and Katie at the (make out) gardens of byui! Never thought you'd hear that term coming from byui ah! scandal!
Caira, Me and Katie at the (make out) gardens of byui! Never thought you'd hear that term coming from byui ah! scandal!
More at the make out gardens... hahaha apparently there are tons of people that get proposed to here. Not very original any more
There was a dragonfly outside our dorm today.
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