I felt like I was driving a lot today, which was weird cause here in our little town of pg the longest you need to drive is 8 min. But I ventured a little farther today. First to the Provo Imaging center to finally shadow! So 3:00, I'm there, again waiting for Shane whose in a meeting. 3:45 he finally comes out and I can start! He sticks me with the x-ray tech who was just finishing up an older lady when I got there. He was saying that he's been busy all day, just runnin those patients through. But once I get there and for the rest of the hour and 15 min, NO PATIENTS! AT ALL! I think someone's working against me here. This shadowing thing is halfway working out. But he told me interesting stuff, I got to look at the x-rays he had done that day, lots of abdomen ones. A shoulder, wrist, foot, t-spine. I love looking at x-rays. I don't know what it is but they fascinate me.
So... I finish shadowing and let me just explain my keys to you. The plastic head's purpose is to unlock the drivers door. That's all it does. Waste of metal huh. The other metal car key, is for the engine, and all the other doors except the drivers door. Kind of screwed up but hey I just deal. Well, I stick in plastic head and not looking, twist, thinking the key is all the way in. Well it turns easily in a weird way. So I look down and i've twisted the metal. Bizarre! So my key was horizontal (the right way) and then vertical. So I have to unlock the passenger door and climb through to unlock my door! And then get in. Process. I know. So after this fiasco I drive clear to Highland to help stock the new Ace Hardware store, and good ole' Kendall there decides to twist my key back, and thus resulting in the complete breakage and seperation of the lower half. Good thing we have 2 sets of spares at my house.
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