Well, not much is changing. I've definitely fallen into a routine. 6:20 i'm up and washing my face. First is hair, then makeup then get dressed. Now i can get breakfast, brush my teeth and am out the door by 7:20. School's routine sets in and i follow the session. Yesterday in chamber, 2 out of the 4 soprano 2's were gone! So that was an interesting rehearsal....especially since the only other soprano 2 there really can't sight read music... she's always been a S1 so this is a new experience for her. Not the melody anymore! Acapella is...well acapella. Huge, slow moving and rarely satisfying. Kathryn and i after that get a lovely hour break before heading down to our CNA class, which i absolutely adore. It doesn't feel like 3 hours of one class..
B-days aren't as fun but still have their ups. Seminary can be spiritual as long as you aren't about to fall asleep on the desk... i was having a morning where i just couldn't wake up even though i slept a good almost 8 hours. Health Science Advanced was a little bizarre as normal. I now expect to see videos every class of a schizophrenic, hypochondriac or someone with tourettes. Pretty healthy for your subconscious huh.. Well i move onto mythology english which is interesting in itself.. along with the crazy people i have in there...aka a lovely handful of emo's that have been warning our student teacher from BYU to run and hide from our class. Not to good. And then i finish up the day with Chemistry.. oh that's a hard class to have after lunch. I'm dozing off but i know i don't understand any of it, so i have to stay awake... it's a tuff battle i fight every day in chemistry.
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