My test on Friday is according to my teacher, one of the harder ones because of all the terms and things you need to memorize. They aren't hard to understand, there's just a ton of them. Now match me up with note cards and a highlight to color coordinate! Awesome combination. Work was a little slow so i made my note cards in between customers and when finished, i studied. A lovely fat portion of this test is prefix, suffix and roots of medical terms that range from dys to cyan to algia to osis... and anywhere inbetween.
Out of 70 note cards , 53 of them are those different parts of medical words. That's a pretty intense number, at least to me it feels like. But by the end of my 4 hour shift.. bam! I had just about all of those notecards down! I realized, i can memorize pretty darn well if you give me some note cards, and of course a highlighter to color coordinate. My cna binder is the most organized thing i own probably.