Wow! Things a little hectic trying to get my life back to a pattern. But i am in love with just about every class! A-days are for sure my favorite. I have Chamber choir first period and then stay in the room for Acapella choir second period. After that i have an hour to eat, do whatever before i have to be to my MATC class for CNA. Kathryn and i took it together and i'm so glad! The class is small.. around 22 students and we all have a passion for the medical field. So even though the class is 3 hours long, i don't even notice. I love the information, i soak it up. We have a lot of work outside of the class, but that's alright. I can deal with that.
My b-days are alright, getting better/worse. I've been trying to get into a medical english class, but the only way that's happening is if someone drops out..and so far that's not happening. So i have seminary B1... then i have health science advanced, which i am also in love with! My teacher is so scatter brained and crazy i love him. But i'm really excited to get farther into that class. After that i head off to Mythology english. Which is interesting and all, but i'd prefer medical english. I have some fun people in there...and some crazy emo's. It's a bit twisted. My b-day comes to a close with chemistry. My teacher seems pretty cool, but i'm am in a class FULL of sophmores. No joke. I know one senior... who is so annoying i don't know what to do with myself. And one fabulous junior whose in chamber with she's keeping me sane. :D But all in all, i'm loving school. I really enjoy my classes and seeing everyone again. It's fun. :)
Hey who is your teacher for Health science adv? If it's Jackman...he is crazy!!! But he was so much fun too!
that's me! i'm the one keeping you sane! i love you megan!
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