Thursday, May 29, 2008


Summer started with rain...not surprising with the insane utah weather we've been experiencing. But that's okay, rain's pretty. And hey, no school. So i'm not complaining.

I finished reading The Host, by Stephenie Meyer. Another amazing, suck-you-in book to add to her list. I don't know how she does but i love it. She created the most complicated love triangle i've ever read or seen in my life. That's a skill.

New found song i love = The Call by Regina Spektor. It's at the end of Prince Caspian. Which is another good movie also. I thought they did a fabulous job.

This is so school. I don't think i've completely grasped that idea yet. I feel like i have something i'm supposed to be doing. Obviously not since i'm rambling on here.

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