Monday, April 30, 2012


Dragonflies are too cool.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Few Things

It was Marie's birthday last week and since I'm always looking for opportunities and excuses to make a cake (practice practice practice) I told Marie to leave the birthday cake to me!
We had a fun girls night full of chatter, hot tubing, 40's music, and Doris Day. 
I'm so glad I've become friends with these girls. We always have a good time together.

I was going to write "Happy Birthday Marie" but I didn't want to take the risk of ruining the cake. So I left the open space for all of the candles. 

I was out working in the yard with my mom the other day and we had been working on cutting back some of the bushes, and I just couldn't resist trying out my hand at bush pruning. This bush was already an ugly shape and I tried to work with it to give it a spiral... it doesn't look too awful right? Granted the bottom needs some growing in to do now. I'll keep working on it throughout the summer don't worry.

One last thing, I hiked to the "G" for the first time last night! It's slightly sad that I've lived here almost my whole life and am only now doing this. It was a great hike and had an incredible view of the valley. It was a good evening. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Some Happenings

Here's a song for you.

On some other notes:
I'm reading The Princess Bride.
I'm stuck between two music genres of soundtrack goodness (aka Finding Neverland and The Kings Speech), and classic music from the 40's. (aka The Andrew's Sisters, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra... the works.)
I've decided to listen to a conference talk while getting ready in the morning first before I turn on my music.
I have one test left before the end of the semester.
I received a scholarship for about half of my tuition for summer semester!! (Major major blessing)
I'm still waiting to get my LPT license but things have been made more clear about the working at the hospital and the guaranteed 8 hours a week I thought I would have, is no longer guaranteed. Which means the mall job will be held onto a little longer then planned.
I saw someone die for the first time over general conference weekend while working at the hospital. It was incredibly sad and definitely shook me up. It was one of those moments that brings  to a greater light what is truly important in life. Again, what would I do without the knowledge that I have of the gospel?