Thursday, December 30, 2010


I have officially mailed out my applications for the radiology program.
Yup I know, life moves way too fast.
I'm extremely excited/nervous.
And I don't think I find out anything until April.
So I guess I'll just busy myself with this winter semester and by the time it's over, I should have a reply back!
So Weber has the program in multiple areas and I applied to Ogden and Provo. I'm leaning more towards Provo but they only accept 12 new students every year. I think Ogden accepts 24 or so... not sure. Either way my odds are going to be tough to beat.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


"Do not seek to have events happen as you want them to, but instead want them to happen as they do happen, and your life will go well." -Epictetus

I had a good friend share this quote with me a little bit ago, I loved it then and I love it more now. Things didn't turn out the way I wanted them to this Christmas break. I had my mind set on something else. I thought I knew what was right for me. But I learned something as I went along in this experience: I developed a better trust in Heavenly Father. I came to the conclusion that whatever happens will be the right thing. If I'm trusting him and honestly searching for his path for me, then what happens is for my good and will lead to better things. I'm sure if I was still stuck on wanting things to happen as I want them to, then I would have a much harder time moving on. 

But for now, I've closed a chapter in my life and am ready to start a new one. Which is my last semester up at BYU-Idaho before getting my associates and moving into the world of radiology (crossing my fingers to get in first try). I'm going to be living in a house firstly, the lower level where there are 8 total of us girls. I know no one. I'm taking for the first time night classes and online classes. I hopefully will get my job as a tutor for anatomy and physiology. If I can handle it, I'll take on a second job where my good friend works, (she's got the "in" for me). I'm just so excited for a new semester to start. I always am. 

"Life will go well."

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Kind of an epic song.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

David and Goliath

Natalie and I decided early this morning that we were going to make a snowman later in the day. 
But when Natalie got back from sledding, this is what we saw from across the street. 
Yeah a giant snowman. 
How do you even compete with that?! Hey don't mind our little normal boring snowman....while across the street we have freakin Goliath. 

So we decided to go about things in a different manner. 
We made David.
Yup like David and Goliath. You can't see them very well in the background but we also made a wall and had 2 cowardly soldiers hiding behind it.

 Cowardly Soldiers

It was a lot of fun and a little harder than I thought it would be. Hopefully people can connect the giant snowman across the street with ours holding a slingshot to David and Goliath.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Days of Old

Girls night with Aubrey and Caira. 
We attempted to go sledding at the same place we went last fall semester,  but the snow was not sled worthy. So we sat in front of the temple and just ate snow. 

We attempted a snowman, but alas the snow would not give us the joy of that either. So we made this absolutely creepy snow creature. 

Caira, Aubrey, Me

We of course had to make cookies and eat cookie dough. That's practically an unspoken law with us. 

Caira attempted to make the first letter of our names in cookies. In didn't work out too well with mine and Aubrey's. 

Caira's turned out pretty good though!

It was a really good night. We slept in the living room, took over the couches and Aubrey brought out her mattress. We fell asleep to a movie like we always use to do. It was really good having a girls night, out doing stuff and just being crazy ourselves. I'm sad Katie couldn't come though. She had to work so our reliving of fall semester fell short. We attempted a lot, with only half of it working. But we loved it. I would do it again any night. I love these girls. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Chap-stick: apply for chapped lips or as needed.
Protects from dry chapped lips and sunburn.
Small enough to carry around with you everywhere.
Normally applied more than once a day.

The Gospel: apply especially when soul is chapped and as needed. (Which should be always)
Protects from adversary, gives strength to overcome temptation, strength to continue onward, and faith in this life.
Simplistically beautiful and beautifully simple. "Small" enough to carry around with you everywhere.
Should be applied more than once a day.

What can you relate the gospel to?