Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Well I'm home now until the end of April, and then I'll head back up to Rexburg for spring semester. I like being in school, being busy and feeling productive, not sure how the long break will treat me. But hopefully I'll be kept busy with work, I'm in desperate need of money. So, time to go to work!

December went by so fast and most of my time was spent in school, that coming home into a fast approached Christmas Eve, took me by suprise. It didn't feel like Christmas Eve. Weird. But now I'm heading towards New Years Eve.

Christmas this year came with new traditions. We had our christmas candle light dinner as usual but on christmas eve. Mom and Dad put together a program for us kids which consisted of reading stories dealing with Jesus's birth and holiday stories from general conference talks. We also listened to music and had movie clips. It was really cool and I approve of the new tradition.

We had something new this year, we opened one gift the night before and we all got pajamas! So there's the family with our new pajama pants.

I had a great christmas this year! Got a wicked awesome little tripod that can fold its legs around anything really, so you can stick the tripod on a fence per say... but I'm excited to put it to use. I got some games to take up to college, my own skookie pans! Haha yes my apartment is going to be THE place to be spring semester. :) I got a new winter coat, which I love and have needed, some wonderful new eye shadow, some clothes and a gift card! Love my little cousin Moe for that one. You're the best ;) But I love my family, I'm so grateful for them. I love this season and the real meanings behind everything. I'm grateful I could be home for Christmas.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


So the school has these awesome lunch trays, and somehow... we ended up with 2 of them at our dorm... and they ended up coming with us sledding... and it was awesome.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Well, 2 weeks left for fall semester. Crazy. It's gone by so fast. The roommies and I have decided to make our weekends a little more fun, since we only have two left. There's a little bowling alley in the MC building so we went to try it out! The picture has horrible resolution because it was taken with katie's phone, but no worries. We had a good time. It was the original gang, Katie, Caira, Spencer, Quinton, and me. Felt like the beginning of the semester again.
The song I'm obsessed with right now is Hey, Soul Sister: by Train. Katie and I play it over and over all day long. It's marvelous.
Next weekend we are going to go ice skating. I'm stoked. I haven't been ice skating forever.
It still hasn't started snowing yet... I'll have to check the weather forcast again! It's cold though, dang that wind chill. My favorites are the gaps in actual temperature to "feels like" temperature. Last night it was 15 degrees but felt like 3 degrees. Great to know as you start walking outside. I always thought it was kind of funny having a 'feels like' temperature. Who decides that? Ahh yes I'm going to say it feels approximately 3 degrees outside right now despite the actual temperature of 15.... But I did some research, and yes, there is a scientific way to determine the "feels like" temperature. How heart warming.